

Hi, I’m Colleen. Welcome!

I’m a science fiction novelist from the Pacific Northwest currently working towards self-publication. This blog is a space to share some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way, along with literary analysis and the occasional review. My hope is for this site to become a helpful resource for other aspiring novelists, whether you’re pursuing publication or just writing for fun. My philosophy of writing advice is never to tell you that something flat-out won’t work. I have zero license to do that – I haven’t read every book in the world, and I certainly haven’t read yours. This is writing: there are no definitively right or wrong answers. Instead, I want to give you the tools to make educated decisions about your own project, and make your story work the way you want it to.

For the time being I’ll be posting on Sundays and Thursdays. Check back here later today for the first one!

In the meantime, happy writing.


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