Writing Tips

Plotting vs. pantsing, and why you should do neither

In honor of the April session of Camp Nanowrimo kicking off tomorrow, today we’re going to talk about a topic very near and dear to my heart: the debate over plotting vs. pantsing. If you’ve participated in Nanowrimo or any of its associated events before, you have almost definitely run across this, and probably gotten… Continue reading Plotting vs. pantsing, and why you should do neither

Writing Tips

How to get the most out of your romance subplot

Romance is one of the highest-grossing genres of all time, consistently pulling in literal billions of dollars in book sales every year. According to this article, romance has never fallen out of the top 5 bestselling book genres. But romance subplots are also found in virtually every other genre, and for good reason. They draw… Continue reading How to get the most out of your romance subplot