Nanowrimo · Stupid Advice Saturday

Stupid Advice Saturday: “Show, don’t tell”

Welcome to Stupid Advice Saturday! Last week we talked about how “Write what you know” is often badly misinterpreted, and taken to an unhealthy extreme. This week, we’ve got another unfortunate directive that often gets the same treatment: show, don’t tell. Like “Write what you know,” this isn’t bad advice until you take into account… Continue reading Stupid Advice Saturday: “Show, don’t tell”

Writing Tips

How to communicate that tragic backstory you worked so stinkin’ hard on

You’ve spent hours. You’ve been slaving away. You’ve taken seventeen different personality tests, generated a full horoscope analysis that was so long it took ten minutes to download, and filled out every character sheet Pinterest has to offer. You can recite every detail about your character’s life, from their first word to their last. And… Continue reading How to communicate that tragic backstory you worked so stinkin’ hard on